housing hq cat support services
Onside, Working Next To You
Housing HQ can have a relocation specialist there with you at the site of any catastrophic occurrence or high volume claim situation. That specialist will attend to the immediate needs of your policyholders, providing personal service and making a stressful situation easier for everyone involved.
Fast, Reliable Policyholder Placement
Meanwhile, back in our offices, our team will begin searching for temporary housing to place the families in homes as quickly as possible. Our onsite representative will be able to check on the suitability of the homes (making sure they didn’t suffer damage as well) and coordinate arrangements with the families.
When Disaster Hits, We Help YOU, Too.
If adjusters and staff need temporary placement for CAT duty, Housing HQ can handle all aspects of that, too, freeing your staff to take care of your policyholders. If you will have multiple personnel on CAT duty for longer term stays, we will look into more comfortable options such as apartments, corporate housing, or single family homes. If you need office space, we can provide an office rental as well, even a mobile option if that best meets your needs!
Contact Us Immediately
If you need CAT Support call 866.918.RELO (7356). We’re available 24/7/365. ALWAYS.